But!! I have pictures from the past week. Get ready for a picture-palooza.
On Tuesday, Jessie decided she wanted to see the sights at night because she'd heard everything was lit up and gorgeous. Okay. So at 8pm a bunch of us climbed onto the metro and spent the next four hours wandering around and exploring.
Wednesday was my first seminar class, and I really like my professor. The general set-up is that we'll have readings over the weekend, then a seminar on Wednesday morning to talk about the reading and the week to come. Then, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday morning, Thursday afternoon, and Friday morning we'll go places and/or have speakers, etc. Friday afternoon we have a final seminar to debrief. It's a good setup.
Mondays and Tuesdays are reserved for internships. I've interviewed at a couple of places and been offered one position. I'm debating taking it, but I don't want to commit until I hear from another place. It's kind of complicated.
Anyhow, on Thursday we got to tour the Capitol, which was awesome. So many statues! So many important rooms! So much history! It was fabulous. Then we got to "tour" the White House, which was kind of lame, because we only got to see a few of the upstairs parlour rooms that were used in the 1800s. No Oval Office, no West Wing, nothing cool. We were in line for security longer than we were actually in the building. But all was not lost. We chatted up some cute secret service guys and spotted a window with butterfly stickers - Sasha or Malia's room, perhaps?
On Friday we planned to take a walking tour of the mall, but we were rained out early. It ended up working out well, though. We started off with the things I hadn't seen, then by the time the rain hit, we were going to see Lincoln, WWII, Vietnam, and Korean memorials. I saw all of those on Tuesday, so I didn't feel like I missed anything.
Now I have a ton of reading to do. I need to take advantage of having the room to myself for the afternoon!