First of all though, I did go to that Scripps event two weeks ago and it was AWESOME - what I saw of it anyway. I made the mistake of wearing jeans without knowing that it was at a swanky club with a strict dress code so I literally ran back to the metro then to campus to change and then all the way back downtown - all of which took 45 minutes, so I missed half the talk, but the new president is AWESOME. I cannot wait to see her again back on campus.
Okay so last week on Wednesday our class took a bus to New York, stayed in a hotel that night, and spent Thursday trawling the city. We got to see the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, visit the Fed (including the gold vaults, where I got serious claustrophobia), and go on a ferry ride to Staten Island and back.
Wall Street!
NYSE floor - not much action happening.
Lady Liberty herself.
Thursday night I had a subway adventure getting to Bob and Linda's, but I *did* make it. I spent the weekend in bliss, getting a manicure and massage, swimming in the lap pool, having my first sauna experience (the dry one was nice, but the steam room made me super claustrophobic too because I literally could not see one foot in front of me), and generally relaxing. I even baked brownies! Double dark chocolate Ghiradelli, to be specific. Linda naturally sent those back with me and, surprise, they're already gone. I just send the word out to three or four people and if they didn't come immediately, they dibsed one or two right away.
Anyhow, on Sunday we went for a walk in the park (not Central park) because though it was a bit windy, it was sunny and beautiful. View!
Speaking of which, now that I'm more than halfway though, I'm starting to get really seriously homesick. This coming Tuesday I will have been away from my parents and my home longer than I ever have - and I still have another nearly two months til I'll be home again. I'll see the fam again for Thanksgiving, but that's still another month away. I know that in about five weeks I'm gonna start freaking out about how fast this semester has gone and about how much I'm going to miss my German friends and everyone I've met here who I probably won't see for a long time - if at all again. But as for now...I'm homesick. I miss California. I miss my house. I miss CLAREMONT, darnit! And I miss all my friends. And I REALLY miss my family. I would kill to be back at home again on the windowseat with a cup of tea, an almond cookie from the farmer's market, and no plans. But that won't come til almost Christmas.
I know, I know, I need to enjoy and appreciate the time I have here. I am. I'm super grateful for this experience, but I'm allowed to have my mopey moments. Give me that!
It probably doesn't help that I've been sick for the past few days. Sometime in my New York weekend, I started feeling congested. By the time I got home on Sunday night, I was a sneezy wreck. I didn't go to work on Monday or yesterday, and went to the health center. They told me it's NOT pneumonia (thank goodness, because I was afraid it was) and my lungs sound find. It's also not flu (I could have told you that - I have no flu symptoms). It's just a prolonged bad cold. They gave me a stronger decongestant than what I've been using and told me if I'm not better in a few days - not just better, but like 100% better - to come back because then it's more serious. Honestly, I'm feeling much better today, but still not 100%, so I skipped class this afternoon, even though I went in the morning. I had a headache the whole time and just wanted my bed, so that's my next destination, as soon as I finish my laundry.
Hope this was a satisfactory update for everyone! Apologies apologies for not updating more. Again, blame the harddrive and the extreme comfiness that is my bed. It looks like this when it is perfectly made: