okay so last time I was talking about internship stuff, so I'll let you all know that I'm working at the American Iron and Steel Institute as the Communications Intern. I've already been in three times and I love it! My first day was pretty clerical, but that's because I didn't have a computer, so what else was I supposed to do? Last week I audited the website (omfg thank you Core III!!!) and fixed a number of broken links. Our website won an award. I like to think I was a part of that. I also wrote a survey for Hill staffers about where they get online info and what they think of our website. We want to win the award again next year, so we're revamping it to make it as user-friendly as possible, and catering it towards the people who matter, obviously. I also wrote fact sheets on steel sustainability, the transportation crisis, and other stuff. Those are gonna be up on the website soon! Check it out.
So I have a few weekends to catch up on too. On the Sunday of Labor Day weekend there was a free symphony concert on the Capitol lawn, so we went to that. It got rained out after the first set, but I got some gorgeous pics of el Cap at sundown.
That was pretty much the highlight of the weekend. My friend Quinn has a house in Friendship Heights, about a 15 minute walk from campus, and he threw a party that Saturday. Last weekend I went to a march for Health Care. I'm sure most of you have heard about it in the news and stuff, but if you haven't, there were two rallies. Saturday was the Tea Bagger march and they had thousands of people. On Sunday was ours - we were only a couple of hundred strong, but it was still really exciting, and very DC. I even made a "honk for health care" sign and stood on a street corner for about half an hour. We got a couple of rude people, but most people who walked by were super supportive, and we got a good number of honks. I've ALWAYS wanted to do that! My friend Lauren has pictures of that, so I'll post them when I get them from her.
Then this past Thursday was pretty much the most exciting thing ever. I got to see OBAMA speak! [I don't have pictures, but I'm going to get some from my friends who brought cameras.] My professor canceled classes when we told him about it. 16 of us woke up at 3:30 in the morning to take three cabs at 4:15 to the University of Maryland (the metro didn't start running until 5:30 - too late for us!). We got there just after 5am, which is when we were allowed to start making a line. The doors opened a bit before 9, but not until after we all got rained on. We finally got inside and got seats, but we all got split up. There was also virtually no food there, which was awful because I had a granola bar and yogurt when I woke up, but some of us hadn't eaten at all. There were some speakers at 11, right on time, but Obama didn't come out until almost noon, by which time we were all almost dead, but I was so excited I almost cried. He rallied for health care and catered to his audience (primarily college students) beautifully. And he was hilarious!!! We eventually made it back to Tenleytown close to 3pm, at which point we all devoured McDonald's. How appropriate after a health care rally.
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