Less. Than. A. Week.
Between now and then, I have a bit to get done. My final exam is on Monday at 1 (EST) and it's the same format as the miderm. Our professor sent out the questions earlier this week and we prepare for them. On the day of the final, he will roll a die and whatever number comes up is our final (each essay question has a number). I have my favourites, of course, but I plan to be well-prepared for all of them. I've outlined all but the last question.
My final research paper is also due next week. Originally it was due Monday at 9am, but my professor pushed it to Wednesday at 4, which is exactly when I'm checking out of my dorm. I pushed that out of my mind and am telling myself now that it's due Monday night. This is good because I was stressing about managing my time between studying and finishing the paper, but now I can concentrate all my efforts on this final until it's done, then work on the paper. It's only 20 pages now and needs to be 30, so we'll see how that goes.
I went to my last day of internship on Tuesday, which is insane - where did my semester go? The whole team took me out for lunch and gave me a gorgeous green notebook with silver studs. It's so me I can't even stand it. I'll miss them!
Having the family here for Thanksgiving was soo awesome. We ate ridiculously well and it was great having them able to see where I live, work, etc. We got some cute pics of the four of us too:
Neither of those is our Xmas card pic; I'm not gonna post it because many of you will be getting it in the mail anyhow. Plus, it's already on facebook.
I'm making lists of everything I have with me and whether I'm shipping it home, to Rachel at Scripps (thank you thank you!!!), or taking it with me to Germany. I'm hoping to fit everything I'm shipping in just two boxes, but it took me 4 to get here, so I'm...hesitant.
I can't believe I won't see some of these people again. Honestly, I'm a little sick of my classmates (some of them) because some of them are so thick and ask such dumb questions. Half of our class period is wasted on things like this:
Professor: So you have to write 4-5 pages by Monday and e-mail it to me.
-When's it due?
-And it's how many pages? 3?
-4 to 5.
-So it's four to five pages on this?
-No, on that.
-And it's due when?
-Do we need a hard copy?
-No, just e-mail it to me.
-Okay, so should we print it?
-And how many pages is it?
I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!! I swear, if half the people in our class just shut up for five seconds and listened to him while he was explaining stuff instead of whispering (that drives me nuts and I actually yelled at two people who were whispering right in front of me) or actually READ the handouts he gives us on projects they wouldn't be so dumb.
Last night was fun because we had our end of the year class party. We were supposed to go ice skating, but apparently the rink's ice making machine was borked, so we went to ESPN zone instead and ate incredibly delicious greasy appetizers (spicy buffalo wings, tortilla chips and dip, quesadillas, etc.) then went downstairs and played arcade games for a few hours. I was playing mini-bowling with 7 guys then looked over and realized most of the girls in my class had either left or were wandering around talking to each other and getting all complainy. I wish some people could just let loose and have fun sometimes. One of the guys then told me that I was the only fun girl in the class, which was awesome. I've always thought of myself as pretty fun, especially with the guys. They're just so much more simple than girls sometimes.
So yeah, I'll miss those guys a lot, and some of my other classmates. I'm gonna miss the boys upstairs in 401 like crazy, especially considering the fact that I half live in their room. I fell asleep on their couch last night until they were like "go home and go to bed" around midnight. They adopted me as fourth roommate a while back because I am ALWAYS in there. I know I'll see them again, but probably not all three of them together, which makes me really sad. I'll also miss Alana to death - that girl has been such a good friend this semester, and I'm definitely visiting her in New York SOMETIME soon.

Aaaah I'm excited to go to Germany and go home, but I'll miss these people! I don't want to think about it. Back to studying.
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